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Why Communion is Essential for You Podcast

The Lord’s Supper isn’t fast food. And yet, how often we hurriedly tag it to the end of the worship service without really understanding what Communion means. The Lord means for this ordinance to be a very significant experience for you personally....

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The Ripple Effect of Your Baptism Podcast

Your baptism was more than a momentary splash. In fact, the ripple effects are still impacting your life today. In this episode of Live the Bible,...

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Is Jesus Really the Only Way to Heaven? Podcast

Is Jesus really the only way to heaven? Imagine asking that question on the evening news! Although everyone has an opinion, it's God's answer that...

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God’s Surprising Approach to Helping Us Grow Podcast

God has a surprising approach to helping us grow. As our Heavenly Father, He takes no delight in our discipline. But He does delight in the results...

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All Your Hopes – Fulfilled Podcast

God tells us about the future for good reason. Why? Because hope is critical to our health. In this episode of Live the Bible, we're looking at the...

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The Secret to Satisfaction Podcast

Satisfaction is a journey rather than a destination. This episode of Live the Bible contains the secret to satisfaction. Yep, that sounds like a big...

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The Rest of Your Life Podcast

We don’t build statues for people who rest. In today's world, we give kudos to hard work, and taking it easy is just a given. And yet, the Old...

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The Reason We Have Hope Podcast

If you think about it, it’s easy to be a grateful person when things are going well. But put a little vinegar in your latte, and all of a sudden,...

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How to Fill Your Empty Heart Podcast

Silence . . . Many of us struggle with it. Why? When we're in a quiet place, all we have are our thoughts. We have a lot of loops in our minds we'd...

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What Worship Really Is Podcast

How would you define worship? You may find it surprising that more than 40% of people who attend church aren't too sure what the word means! But I'm...

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